OBJECTIVE: This will help you get the software installed and licensing configured

Download And Install The Software

You can download isologica at the download link provided for your company or sent to you via email.  If you need a download link, please contact us at +1-832-460-4780 (US West Coast) or via email

Once you have the download file (SetupIsologica.*.msi), simply run this file to install. You must have admin privileges on your PC.

Get Your License Configured

We have a separate set of instructions for configuring you license.  Follow below and then return here

1) If you are using an individual license (node-locked) and received a license file, go here to get instructions.
2) If you are a corporate user and will use a license server, get instructions on how to configure your license server by clicking here.

Find Your Program Icon


If you got the software installed and licensed correctly, you should now have an isologica icon on your desktop.

Run The Program


Run the software - you should end up with a screen that looks like this