How to export to LAS formatted file from isologica project with data

Start File Export


Choose File > Export Data > Single Data Table

Create the list of fields you want to export


NOTE: IF you have a saved a field list previously, skip to step 3

(1) Choose either whole categories on the top left or individual fields from the bottom left (after selecting category on top) and move them to the field list on the right by clicking (2) Add or Add All as appropriate
(3) Rearrange the fields into the right order in the list by drag-dropping them in the list
(4) If desired, Save List... for reuse of the same parameter list in the future



Use a previously saved field list if it exists


If you had previously saved a field list, click on "Get from Save List...." and choose the previously saved list, then click OK, which will populate the list

Enter the LAS Workflow


Click on "Export to LAS..." to enter the LAS workflow

Choose the LAS workflow type


(1) if you have not previously saved a LAS workflow template, choose the "Manual Setup" option
(2) if you have a saved LAS workflow template but want to make changes or preview the LAS result after choosing options, choose the "Start from Template" option and then choose the template from the drop-down list on the right
(3) if you have a saved LAS workflow template and want to directly export to LAS using the template without any checking, use the "Export from Template" and choose the template file from the file chooser that pops up

Configure the fields for the Header (required) section of the LAS file


(1) Choose the depth field if there are multiple depth columns in your data file
(2) Verify the STRT and STOP depths are correct
(3) Choose the NULL value if any value other than the default -9999 is desired

Choose the Parameters for the (Optional) Parameters section of the LAS file


(1) Choose which of the optional metadata fields (from CoreTrac if project linked) you want to write to the Parameters section of the LAS file
(2) Click Next to proceed

Enter information for "Other Information" (optional) section of LAS


Preview and Finish


(1) Preview the output, if necessary use the <Back button and correct choices on previous screens
(2) Check the box if you want to remember the choices made in this workflow for a future LAS export
(3) Click Finish

Choose a location where to save LAS file


Choose the location and save the LAS file